About Us

Woman at Day Spa Getting a Massage

The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) is the largest non-profit, professional association serving massage therapists, massage students and massage schools.

AMTA provides our members with the strongest benefits in the profession. We promote massage to the public, the health care community and other important groups. We work for fair licensing of massage in all states, and actively support research. Your voice is heard in AMTA as we are governed by massage therapists. And, we provide a wealth of local and national networking and continuing education opportunities.

Mission Statement

To serve AMTA members while advancing the art, science and practice of massage therapy.

Core Values

  • We are a diverse and nurturing community working with integrity, respect and dignity.
  • We are a nonprofit member-driven organization of ethical professionals.
  • We embrace consistency in education.
  • We endorse professional standards.
  • We affirm and promote the benefits of massage therapy as validated by research.

AMTA-Maryland Chapter is guided by what our members value: affordable, high quality continuing education, networking opportunties, effective communication, community outreach, and vigilant government relations.

To contact the chapter, please use the form below or email us at president.amta.maryland@gmail.com.


AMTA Maryland Documents


AMTA National Core Documents

Core Documents
  • Policy Manual
  • Strategic Plan
  • Bylaws
  • Standards of Practice
  • Code of Ethics
  • School Member Code of Ethics
  • Policy on Member Discipline