
Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is responsible for searching chapter volunteer lists to identify volunteers who have contributed to our Chapter and are deserving of honor and recognition. He or she will confer with the Chapter officers, chairs, and Committee members to obtain award candidates. The Chair will be knowledgeable of both National and Chapter award criteria and ensure candidates meet the requirements. The Chair will oversee the selection, preparation, and presentation of awards to be given.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is responsible for developing ideas for articles and pictures for the newsletter. They are responsible for coordinating all Chapter inputs and contacting potential advertisers. In addition to the newsletter the communications committee is responsible for maintaining our website and Facebook page.

Convention Committee

The Convention Committee is responsible for researching, planning, coordinating, and comparing costs  of facilities at potential locations for the annual State Convention. The Chair must consider the needs of the event and coordinate with all respective Chapter members involved in conducting each event. Recommendations will be presented to the Chapter Board. The Chair may also assist the board with air travel and hotel arrangements. The Chair will coordinate payments through the Treasurer to ensure all expenses are valid.

Education Committee

The Education Committee is responsible for researching, planning, scheduling, and managing the Chapter's education activities. The Chair will continuously keep abreast of the members desires for the type and variety of education that best benefits our general membership needs. The education presenter’s qualifications and availability are foremost to our Chapters goals for providing continuing education.

Government Relations Committee

The Government Relations (GR) Committee is responsible to act as liaison to the Chapter Board and to the state AMTA members regarding legislative issues related to massage therapy. The Chair represents the Chapter for regulatory initiatives when consulting the Chapter lobbyist. The GR Chair is also the coordinator for lobbyist reports and/or activities of legislative consultants contracted by the Chapter board. He or she is responsible to ensure that the latest regulatory information is available to the Chapter members via the website and newsletter.

Membership Committee

The Membership committee oversees all membership outreach and retention programs as well as the creation of new initiatives in recruitment and renewal.

NMTAW Committee

The NMTAW Committee is responsible for researching, planning, scheduling, and managing the Chapter's activities for National Massage Therapy Awareness Week.