Coffee and Conversation
The Maryland Chapter would like to help you host a Coffee and Conversation in your neighborhood!
There are 7 easy steps to make it happen:
Step 1: You wake up and decide, “I want to get together with my AMTA peers.”
Step 2: Pick a date and time.
Step 3: Pick a location – someone’s home or office, a coffee house, or the public library are possible venues.
Step 4: Contact David Madon at with the location, subject matter and details about your coffee and conversation. She will send the information out for you in an e-blast.
Step 5: Hold the Coffee and Conversation.
Step 6: Have all attendees sign in. This list should be sent to Sabrina Lopez at president.amta.maryland@gmailcom.
Step 7: Have fun and grow.
The Maryland chapter will reimburse up to a max amount of $30 so that light snacks or refreshments can be purchased.
For more information on Coffee and Conversation contact David Madon at: Please submit receipts and reimbursement form to David.